What if dogs have abilities to outdo humans?
In this world,
there are dogs that can transform into creatures of superpowers.
They are called 'PotenDogs’.
The original PotenDogs were created in the laboratory of a secret organization
who’s goal is to make super-humans.
By mysterious explosion in the facilities and the disappearance of the scientist in charge,
the project was put on hold and the Potendogs became loose in the world.
PotenDogs are divided into two groups:
‘Podongnet’ that dreams peaceful coexistence with humans,
and ‘Goldfangs’ that holds grudge against all mankind.
The two groups battle against each other everyday.
However, humans are ignorant of either what's happening
in the world of dogs
or how this can affect everyone's life.


One day, ‘Kai’, the most praised member of 'Podongnet’,
and ‘Wonseok’, a shy boy who wants a dog of his own
find each other by chance and decide to work as partners.
Kai considers humans weak and untrustworthy,
yet has no choice but to ask Wonseok to pretend to be his human companion
so he can avoid being captured by the dog pound people
while he is carrying out his mission.
Fighting against ‘Goldfangs’ together,
‘Kai’ and 'Wonseok' build special friendship.
As time goes,
they meet up with other PotenDogs and PotenDog-managers
and all together, they carry out countless missions
to make the world a better place
for both dogs and humans.
